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The 8th-grade course recommendations are now posted to the Parents/Students Portal.  Parents and students can view them on the student’s “pre-…

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We’re observing an increase of violations of some of our school rules. Please remind your child of the following expectations:

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The Venado PE department will begin State Physical Fitness Testing at the start of the third trimester.  Students will be tested in the areas of…

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The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA)’s “Youth Ride Free” promotional bus pass program allows youth ages 6 to 18 to ride all OC fixed-…

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Our Lost and Found bin is full! We displayed the contents along several tables in the hallway by the Knights Plaza and asked our students to check…

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Paper, our online tutoring program, has awarded Venado their Top Middle School Badge.  According to Paper, Venado stands out out as a leader in…

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Summer is the time to pursue interests, discover new passions, and brush up on fundamentals for the next school year. Choose from over 400 IPSF…

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The Venado Middle School Nominating Committee is looking for anyone interested in serving as part of the Venado PTSA board for 2023-24 school year…

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The Venado Yearbook is available to preorder NOW.  The Yearbooks cost $45. The deadline to reserve your book is April 25. Yearbooks will be given…

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The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA)’s “Youth Ride Free” promotional bus pass program allows youth ages 6 to 18 to ride all OC fixed-…