To help support the safe and responsible use of e-bikes, Irvine Unified School District middle and high schools have partnered with the Irvine Police Department (IPD) and will host safety presentations as part of IUSD’s new mandatory e-vehicle registration program.
Middle and high school students who travel to and from school using an electric vehicle are required to attend one of the following e-Vehicle Safety Presentations by IPD.
Please note: Middle school parent/guardian attendance is required to learn the rules and expectations of using e-vehicles safely and responsibly. As our vital partners, your support is critical to helping keep students safe.
Students will learn:
- About the different e-vehicles
- Rules of the road and e-bike laws
- Helmet safety
- Rules for e-bike passengers
- How to avoid distracted operation of e-vehicles
- Safety concerns
- IUSD’s mandatory registration program and school procedures
Safety Presentation Dates
- September 12, 6:00pm at Woodbridge High School – Performing Arts Center
- September 14, 6:00pm at University High School – Multi-Purpose Room
Proof of Attendance and Parking Permit
At the presentation student attendees and their parent/guardian will fill out a verification of attendance form, which will be sent to their middle school of attendance. Students and their parent/guardian must also complete and submit a Student e-Vehicle Registration Form provided by their school to obtain a parking permit sticker. Students are required to have a parking permit to park their e-vehicle on campus. Please submit completed registration forms to the front office.
Required E-Vehicle Online Registration
This online registration is required to be complete by students who received their e-vehicle.
If you have any questions, please contact the Venado front office: (949) 936-6800.
VMS students are allowed to park and lock their VMS REGISTERED e-bikes in the bike rack.
To obtain a registration sticker, a student must have a completed registration form that is signed by a parent or guardian and attend one of the safety meetings. If you did not attend the safety meeting, please contact Mrs. Van Dam (ShannonVandam@iusd.org) to receive safety information.
Students who do not adhere to this policy will be subject to Venado Middle School’s progressive discipline policy.
Thank you for working with Venado Middle School and the Irvine Police Department in order to help everyone travel safely to and from school.