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Students are encouraged to keep our lunch areas clean and HONOR our campus by participating in our Clean Campus Challenge. The lunch areas, which…

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Many of our Venado students ride their bikes, skateboards and scooters to and from school. This is a great way to be independent, responsible, and…

September is Emergency Preparedness Month, which is an opportunity to remind our community about the importance of being prepared for emergencies…

New Left Turn Sign - Please note that the City of Irvine posted left turn restrictions during specific times on school days. No left turns are…

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We want your child to be successful in school, and that means going beyond the basics. Excelling in academic classes is important, but students…

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Your child attends Venado Middle School, which receives Federal Title I funds to assist students in meeting state achievement standards.…

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College Day is a weekly event held on Mondays. Mondays are our days to recognize the importance of higher education and the many post-secondary…

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When a student is going to be absent, their parent/guardian should call the 24-hour Attendance Line at 949-936-6801 and leave a message by 8:45 AM…

As part of  being emergency prepared, we would like to remind our families that Staying Connected to IUSD during an emergency is as easy as 1, 2,…

At the start of the school day on Thursday and Friday, all students will report to their Homeroom class. The first day of school for 7th graders…