Local Control Funding Formula

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As you may know, four years ago, the State of California adopted the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), a new framework for funding California K-12 public schools. As part of the LCFF, school districts must adopt a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) with input from stakeholder groups throughout the district. I am pleased to report that average class sizes at Venado this year are once again lower than the allocated 1:31 teacher to student ratio due to class sections that were provided to middle schools in our current LCAP. Two sections were used to provide targeted intervention in math and reading, and three were used to lower class sizes (individual class sizes may vary). For more information about LCFF or the LCAP, please visit this page on the district’s website: https://iusd.org/about/our-district/lcaplcff . Another excellent resource is available on the state PTA website: http://capta.org/focus-areas/lcfflcap/ .

~Luis Torres, Principal