We “Scare” Hunger- Food Drive

October 28- November 1
November 1, 2019

  • October 29, 2019 - 12:00am
  • October 30, 2019 - 12:00am
  • October 31, 2019 - 12:00am
  • November 1, 2019 - 12:00am

We will be holding a Food Drive for Families Forward from October 28 - November 1 to help provide families in need. Our goal is to collect over 1,600 items. Please have your child bring his/her items to their 1st period class on those days. We will be holding a competition between classes for bringing in the most cans/boxed food to win a prize. All food items must be inside a can or packaged box. Expired food, previously opened, or personal baked goods will not be accepted. Some items we are requesting are: boxes of stuffing, jars of gravy, cranberry sauce, muffin or cornbread box mixes, cans of sweet potatoes or yams, cans of soup, cans of fruit/vegetables, cans of pumpkin pie, canned chicken/tuna, boxed pasta, canned beans, boxed rice, and anything else that can help make meals for Thanksgiving. Thank you so much and we truly appreciate your generosity in helping those in need this holiday season.

~ Cory Adelman, ASB Advisor