Virtual IUSD College and Career Fair
The IUSD College and Career Fair will be held on Monday, February 22. Students will be able to access the virtual event to explore college information, attend informational workshops and panel sessions, learn about community partners, discover more about Career Technical Education, and much more.
There will be an additional 30 minutes at the start of the event to accommodate for a welcome video and keynote speaker video at 5:30 p.m. Live, online sessions will take place from 6-8 p.m. During that time, participants can attend live guest speaker panels, breakout sessions about Career Technical Education, financial aid and college admissions sessions, and chat with college representatives via live zoom links. Students will be receiving more information through their homeroom on Monday.
Here is the link to register: Click here to register for this year's IUSD College & Career Fair
Venado Student Support Website also has additional information and tools.
~Erin Garcia, School Counselor