Venado Parent Workshops: Save the Dates!

Monday, October 4, 2021

We are pleased to announce that our parent workshops are returning to an in-person format this year. The following safety measures will be implemented: 

  • capped parent attendance by RSVP
  • mask wearing by all attendees 
  • placement of numerous HEPA filters 
  • greater distance between seats
  • hand sanitizer at entrance

Please check our Venado website for our scheduled workshops.

The Parent Edtech on Canvas and Parent Portal workshop is prerecorded and linked below. 

  • Parent EdTech Recorded Webinar: CANVAS & Parent Portal

RSVP for Parent Night on Teens & Substance Abuse with Dr. Sina, Hoag Neurosciences Institute: Mental health and substance use are reaching concerning levels for Orange County youth. It is more important than ever that parents talk to their teens - openly and honestly - about drug and alcohol use. Hoag Hospital’s Dr. Sina will be presenting on the neurological and physiological effects of vaping and substance abuse on teens on October 20, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Feel free to have your pre-teen/teens attend with you. Please complete the RSVP link, this event is first come, first serve and will be capped to ensure health and safety of all attendees.