Venado Parent Workshop: Save the Date 1/21/22

Friday, January 21, 2022

January Parent Zoom 

Friday 1/21/22 @ 9:20am- 10:30am

Meeting ID: 885 9190 4794

Passcode: 4LY2eC

Growth Mindset Parenting

Venado Intervention Team 

Please join us as we delve into Dr. Carol Dweck’s ground breaking research on Growth Mindset and how to apply it to raising resilient humans! 

Thank you for attending our last Parent Coffee featuring author Diana Christinson, on Parenting with More Ease and Joy. We really enjoyed connecting with you. We look forward to deepening our journey together as parents and educators. Here are the book titles and links we promised:

Breath by James Nestor

The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor

Your Golden Journey by Diana Christinson