PTSA Updates

November 15
Monday, November 15, 2021

The 2021-2022 Reflections Arts Program Update: Thank you to all our students who participated in the Reflections Arts Program. We have received 23 entries, and the judging process has started. We will announce the winners (1st to 3rd positions), and recognize the participants by November 15.  Please note that only the 1st position (Award of Excellence) from each category will advance to Council Level.

 PTSA Membership: Dear parents, as we previously shared, the PTSA is running a Membership Challenge this month. So far, we have had a total of 162 memberships, of which 16 are new member sign-ups in November. Funds from memberships and donations go towards student and staff appreciation events, such as teacher grants, Red Ribbon Week decorations, Reflections program, and graduation celebrations for our 8th graders. Please consider joining the Venado PTSA and help support our students, staff, and teachers. Please sign up at Thank you for your support.

November 15 Association Meeting:  Please join us for our first Association meeting on Monday, November 15 at 4:00 pm through zoom. Meet our Executive board and learn more about the upcoming events and activities planned by PTSA. 

All active PTSA members are welcome to join.

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 847 0518 4075 

Passcode: vLkL6V 

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Meeting ID: 847 0518 4075 

Passcode: 470173 

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