October 8, 2018
Monday, October 8, 2018

This is just a friendly reminder that Monday, October 8 is a district wide professional day of learning for all district staff. Professional development activities will be held for office assistants, paraprofessionals, instructional assistants, campus control supervisors, and all certificated staff, etc. I am excited to report that at Venado, certificated staff members will participate in an all day workshop on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) presented by Dr. Katie Novak. Dr. Novak delivered an all-day workshop during last year’s professional development day on October 9, 2017. This year’s workshop is a continuation of the learning for our staff and we are very excited about the day. Dr. Novak is a national leader in the field of education and an authority on UDL. Last and this year’s workshops were funded, in part, by Pacific Life’s Annual 3T Grant Program. On behalf of the entire school community, I would like to thank Pacific Life for the generous donation received last year.

This year, Dr. Novak will also be delivering a parent workshop on UDL on the evening of October 8 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Please see the article about our parent education offerings this month on our News Center. I look forward to seeing you there.

~ Luis Torres, Principal