Message from the PTSA: Staff Appreciation Week - May 8 - 12
Venado families, please join us in showing our appreciation for our wonderful Venado staff! The staff will be enjoying good eats throughout the week from PTSA.
How can your child and you express your appreciation to a specific staff member? Write a note or letter of appreciation to a staff member the week of May 8th. Per IUSD board policy on gifts, only gifts of of token or minimal value can be accepted by staff members.
Ice Cream! Ice Cream! Ice Cream!:
The weather is warming up, so let's enjoy some frozen treats! Join us for our last fundraiser of the year on Monday May 15th at Handel's Ice Cream, located at the Irvine Marketplace. This is an ALL DAY fundraiser, mark it on your calendar, call your friends, and meet at Handel's for some delicious ice cream. Please show this flyer Handel's Ice Cream Flyer to support Venado Middle School PTSA.