March Parent Night on Teen Substance Abuse and Vaping is on 3/24

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Mental health and substance use are reaching crisis levels for Orange County youth. It is more important than ever that parents talk to their teens - openly and honestly - about drug and alcohol use. Hoag Hospital’s Dr. Sina will be presenting on the effects of vaping and substance abuse on teens on Wednesday, March 24, from 6:00-7:30 p.m. Feel free to have your pre-teen/teens attend with you. Students will also be receiving Homeroom lessons on this topic from Officer Cranford this week. A parent webinar version of this will be shared after Dr. Sina’s presentation.

Topic: Dr. Sina on Teen Substance Abuse & Vaping

Venado Parent Workshop

Meeting ID: 814 5306 8392

Passcode: 1parents

One tap mobile

+14086380968,,81453068392#,,,,*02023059# US (San Jose)

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