Chromebook Return
- June 3, 2021 - 12:00am
Venado’s end of year Chromebook return will take place on Wednesday, June 2 and Thursday, June 3. Students will return their Chromebooks during their P.E. classes to Mrs. Crammer in the Venado library. It’s essential that families return the following items:
- Chromebooks
- Chromebook chargers
Damage Assessment: If you did not choose to purchase the IUSD Chromebook insurance, and your device is damaged, typical repair costs for things like a broken screen or keyboard can range from $30-$75 depending on the model. The cost of the repair will be assessed as a fine to the student’s record in Destiny.
Total Loss: If the Chromebook is damaged beyond repair, lost, stolen, or unreturned to the school, the full replacement value of $225 will be assessed as a fine. We kindly appreciate families who are assessed fees to pay from them promptly. Thank you.
With your help and support, we will have a successful Chromebook return! If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Crammer, Venado Librarian at