8th Grade Promotion Party - Friday, May 31, 2019 from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

The Promotion Party will be held at Venado on Friday, May 31 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Only current eighth grade students from Venado Middle School who meet the eligibility criteria are permitted to attend the party. The party is sponsored by the PTSA and is free of charge. Students will need to arrive at the dance no later than 6:45 p.m. If for some reason your child must arrive later to the dance or needs to leave early, please notify the main office in writing prior to May 30 so that we can make accommodations. Otherwise, all students are expected to attend the party in its entirety. If students need to leave early, they may only be released to parents.
Dress for the Promotion Party should be nice school clothes or dress-up clothing that would be appropriate to wear out to a nice dinner (a dress, skirt, blouse, nice pants, collared shirt, etc.). Clothing must meet the Venado Dress Code requirements. All school rules apply at the dance. Please pick up students promptly at the end of the dance.
~ Luis Torres, Principal