4-15-20 Irvine High School Virtual Family Night for Incoming 9th Graders, 5 p.m.
April 15, 2020
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Irvine High School will be hosting a Virtual 8th Grade Family Night next Wednesday, April 15 at 5:00 pm. This important event is for all incoming 8th grade students and their families.
Topics include: Course Scheduling, Recommended Courses, Block Schedule, Extra/Co-curricular activities, and much, much more!
You’ll be able to access the virtual event by visiting the Irvine High School website at www.irvinehigh.iusd.org
Click on “Students” under the drop down menu, and select “Virtual 8th Grade Family Night.” 8th grade students that attend this event will be more prepared and ready to start high school!
Be sure to save the date!