Social Distancing - What Does It Mean?

image of social distancing

Social Distancing

What does it mean?

Social distancing is the practice of reducing close contact between people to slow the spread of infections or diseases. Social distancing measures include limiting large groups of people coming together, closing buildings, and canceling events. 


Use Caution

Safe to DO

Group Gatherings

Sleep Overs

Play Dates


Theater Outings

Athletic Events

Crowded Retail Stores


Workouts in Gyms

Visitors in your House

Nonessential Workers in your House

Mass Transit Systems

Visit a Local Restaurant

Visit a Grocery Store

Get Take Out

Pick Up Medications

Play Tennis in a Park

Visit the Library

Church Services


Take a Walk

Go for a Hike

Yard Work

Play in your Yard

Clean out a Closet

Read a Good Book

Listen to Music 

Cook a Meal

Family Game Night

Go for a Drive

Group Video Chats

Stream a Favorite Show

Check on a Friend

Check on an Elderly Neighbor