Parking Lot Reminders

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No Left Turn Sign - Please note that the City of Irvine posted left turn restrictions during specific times on school days. When exiting the Venado parking lot, left turns are not permitted between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. in the morning during drop-off, as well as 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. in the afternoon at dismissal. To keep traffic moving through the lot, as well as avoid citation, please turn right when exiting the parking lot within those time frames.

If you are picking your child up in our front parking lot, please pull all the way forward, leaving no gaps. Please avoid stopping too soon when there is ample room in front of you. This will allow more cars to access the loading zone. 

Service Road - The service road between Deerfield Elementary and Venado is only for access to the staff parking, the community tennis courts, and the Catalyst Kids childcare program. It is not a student drop-off or pick-up area for Deerfield or Venado. This is also a thoroughfare for students walking, riding their bikes, skateboards or scooters to and from school. This area becomes highly congested before and after school. The Irvine Police Department cites autos parked in this area as it is also a fire lane.