October 3, 2018
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Here are a few friendly reminders from your School Nurse, Julia Monarch and Health Assistant, Logan Hooker, to help start the new school year healthy and happy. Students should make sure that they are getting plenty of sleep at night during the school week, eating a healthy breakfast before coming to school, and drinking lots of water throughout the day (try bringing a refillable water bottle, and please remember to put your child’s name on it). There are two Fill Stations on campus that dispense cool filtered water, one in the Commons, and the other by the Theater (Room 101.) Moreover, students should remember to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer frequently throughout the day.

Parents, flu and cold season is starting early. Please keep students home until they are fever-free (a temperature under 100°F for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication). This is also a reminder that if your child takes any kind of medication (Ibuprofen, Inhalers, EpiPens, etc.), please make sure the child’s physician completes a Medication Administration Request form (found online at IUSD Medication Administration Request form or in the health office). Please return the form along with the prescribed medication(s) to the health office. Have a fantastic year, and feel free to stop by the health office at any time!

~ Julia Monarch, School Nurse, and Logan Hooker, Health Assistant