Attendance will be taken daily and reported to the office. When a student is going to be absent, the parent/guardian should phone the 24-hour Attendance Line at 949-936-6801 and leave a message by 8:45 AM each day of the absence. When calling, please give the student’s full legal name, reason for absence and date, the caller’s name and relationship to the student. Absences not cleared by a phone call or note will be marked unexcused and the student is considered truant by the state.
As defined by the State of California, an absence is considered excused for the following reasons only: illness, death in the family, religious holiday, doctor/dental appointment or student’s appearance in court. Absences due to family trips or family business are considered unexcused absences. To excuse an absence for a medical appointment, a note from a medical professional is due within 3 school days of a student’s return to school. Advance written request by a parent/guardian and approval of the school principal is required to excuse an absence due to an observation of a holiday or ceremony of the student’s religion.
A doctor’s note is required to excuse a student’s absence for a medical appointment. Whenever possible, parents/guardians are encouraged to make medical or dental appointments after school hours, on minimum or late start days. In the event of excessive absences due to illness, a doctor’s note or other verification may be requested to excuse an absence per state and district guidelines. Habitual absences will ultimately result in a referral to School Attendance Review Board (SARB).
Students are responsible for being on-time to school and to each class period with all materials and assignments required. A note from a doctor, dentist or other medical professional will excuse a student’s tardiness to school. Students must provide a note from the medical professional within 3 school days of a student’s return to school. Per state and district guidelines, an unexcused tardy of 30 minutes or longer counts as a full day of absence and will be marked unexcused. When a student is detained by a staff member, the student should obtain a written pass from that staff member BEFORE GOING TO THE NEXT CLASS. Unannounced tardy sweeps are conducted throughout the year. Students who violate the tardy policy will be referred to the office for disciplinary action as appropriate.
Tardy Policy
Tardy #1 = No consequence
Tardy #2 = Warning
Tardy #3 = Behavior Document “Minor” and parent contact
Tardy #4 = Behavior Document “Major,” parent contact, 1 hour community service on school grounds, loss of eligibility, and a “N” (needs improvement) in citizenship in the class to which the student is tardy
Tardy #5+ = Behavior Document “Major” for each additional tardy, progressive discipline until behavior has been improved (community service on school grounds, tardy contract, parent conference, SARB, etc.)
Leaving School Early
If a student needs to leave school before the end of the school day, a parent/guardian must come into the front office and sign him/her out. Students will be released only to those listed as an Emergency Contact and who are at least eighteen years of age. Identification will be required.
Beginning and Ending of School
The school day begins every day, except on Late Start Fridays, with the first bell ringing at 8:25 AM and the tardy bell ringing at 8:30 AM. On Late Start Fridays, the first bell rings at 9:25 AM and the tardy bell rings at 9:30 AM. All students need to be seated in class when the tardy bell rings, or they will be marked tardy. With the exception of minimum days, school ends at 3:00 PM every day (including Late Start Fridays). Students may not arrive at school more than 20 minutes early and should leave campus within 20 minutes of the final bell. Adult supervision is not provided outside these times.